This gene is found only in European, West Asian and North African populations. The Mutation is caused by a deletion of 32 base pairs normally found on the CCR5 gene. The CCR5 delta 32 gene is a mutated form of the CCR5 gene. The intelligence agencies also prefer Rh negative people who possess the CCR5 Delta 32 gene, although this is not mandatory. If they do have a deleted RhD gene it is caused by recent admixture with the Caucasian race. African and Asian people with Rh negative blood usually always have a RhD gene it’s just inactive. It is extremely rare for Africans and Asians to have a complete deletion of the RhD gene. Nearly all Caucasians with Rh negative blood have a total deletion of the RhD gene. Intelligence agencies are interested in a certain carrier of Rh negative blood.They are looking for people who have a complete deletion of the RhD gene.

I believe many other Rh negative people have noticed the very same thing going on in their own lives. Not all Rh negative people will notice blatant intrusions in their lives, because not all Rh negative people are targeted. A chain of events in my life lead me to research the possible reason behind why I was feeling this way. As a young teenager I began sensing that I was being closely monitored. I’ve seen a lot of different posts on different online forums asking questions such as “Why would the Illuminati (CIA) be studying Rh negative blood?” and “Why would the government be tracking Rh negative people?” I have been asking these same questions. Can use Intuition and Sensing, especially Intuition better than Thinking and Feeling, especially More likely to have Ni or Ne as a dominant function. Humanitarian.Īnd Blood Rh Negative is more likely to be Enneagram 4, higher Openness and it's the most Intuitive type of all types. Higher Openness but lower conscientousness. Competitive.īlood AB is a mix of A and B.

Trouble-Shooter.īlood O is usually a Leader type of low Neuroticism and everything else high. More likely to get low Conscientousness but also lower Neuroticism. Traditionalist.īlood B is more of a perceiver. O: Confident, Ambitious, Strong-willed, Agreeable, Competitive, Intuitive, Unpredictable, Self-centered, Aggressive, EnviousĪB: Creative, Rational, Sociable, Intelligent, Adaptable, Critical, Indecisive, Aloofīlood A is more likely to get high Conscientousness and low Openness. Ability to interfere with electricity.Īttract the attention of others, mysterious, magicalĪBO Blood Group Personality Traits (NOT SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN)Ī: Warmest, Reserved, Sensible, Patient, Perfectionist, Cautious, Stubborn, Jealous, Inconsiderateī: Passionate, Active, Creative, Flexible, Cheerful, Optimistic, Forgetful, Selfish, Lazy, Impatient Interest in space or science, likelihood of alien abduction Just knowing that something will happen before it does Those traits are either scientifically proven or observed.Ĭlose proximity to inexplicable strange eventsĪ drive to seek otu truth or answers. By the way, I am O Rh Negative, meaning I'm qualified to write this.

Some sites say INFJ, ENFJ while others (Explorer Genotype is Rh Negative) ENFP. They don't have the Rh(D) Antigen like 95% of the people in the world whose blood having Rh(D) antigen. I was curious about what MBTI type is the most common amongst Rh Negatives. The Adventure of the Mistyped Consulting Detective.Multiple Models and Truly Understanding the Types.You can test it out at kisa.ca, humanmetrics, odiseajung ( en español), mypersonality ( requires registration), or John's Personality Test. Your type however determines the order and attitude of these functions. Additionally, every type uses all four types of functions, Intuition, Sensing, Thinking, and Feeling. The MBTI sorts for type and each type has a specific function order. The MBTI, short for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, defines 16 types to which each of us belong, according to our preferred cognitive functions.